Employment Inquiry Form

Please note that all fields are required to be filled out. If you miss one, when you hit submit it will highlight items you missed in red.

Position / Event Interested In
 Paid Event Positions Event Volunteers Unpaid Internships
How did you hear about EPS or the job you are interested in?
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Cell Phone*
Website Address
*Must have cell phone to work for EPS. This will be the primary number where we can reach you.
LinkedIn Profile Page
Twitter Page
Facebook Page
Birth Date
Monthly Compensation Range
Are you a citizen of the United States?
 Yes No
Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
 Yes No
If you own a laptop computer, what kind is it?
 No laptop PC Mac
What programs do you have?

(check all that apply)

Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Outlook) Photoshop / Adobe Creative Suite
Other programs worth mentioning: 
Do you own a cell phone?
 Yes No
Can you send/receive emails and/or texts on your cell phone?
 Yes No, but I would be willing to upgrade if necessary No
Do you have a current passport?
 Yes No
Are you TABC certified?
 Yes No
Can you speak Spanish?
 Yes No
Do you have a valid Driver's License?
 Yes, and it's Texas Yes, but it's not Texas No
If the position is for runner, are you experienced/comfortable driving a 15 passenger van or equivalent?
 Yes No
Do you own reliable transportation?
 Yes No
If you smoke, can you work a full shift without smoking?
 Yes No I don't smoke


Education Name & Location Years Attended Graduated? Major
High School
 Y N
 Y N
 Y N
 Y N

Former Event Employers

Month and Year Name & Address Supervisor
& Phone #
Position Worked Reason for Leaving

Personal References

Name Address Phone # Business Name Years Known


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Please list any special talents / training that can contribute to your position
Cut and Paste Your Resume Here

Optionally, you can also attach a resume file here.
Note that it is required that you paste a text version of your resume in the field above.

What makes you the ideal candidate to work with EPS?
Photo of Applicant

Upload your picture - no resumes here please, those go above

Employment Certification and Verification

For your application to be considered, the following statement must be read and understood fully:

I understand and agree that any omission, misrepresentation or misstatement of material fact in this application and/ or attached resume (if any) may result in refusal of or termination of employment. If hired, my employment may be terminated at any time with or without cause or notice, at the option of either my employer or myself.

I authorize EPS or its agents to verify all information provided by me on this application or in support of my efforts to obtain employment within EPS and to obtain any information relating to employment with you. I agree to hold EPS and its agents harmless and absolve from any and all liability.

I have read and understand the terms and conditions as listed above.
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